
Posted on Oct 28, 2023

Hi, I currently live in Bangalore #indiranagarmaxi. I grew up across various cities in India. I can speak Hindi, English and Odia. I am learning Catalan on the side.

Emails? I love emails. I’m all about that. My inbox is open 247, so don’t be shy to drop a message.

I’m easily impressed by folks and the incredible things they build. If we’ve crossed paths, I’ve probably scoped out your website and been like, ‘This is impressive stuff.’ And, of course, I’m on a constant quest to read more. Got that reading list going strong. Most of my mood also largely depends upon how Barça played football that particular week ;)

I dream of making TON of money with computers and then possibly never touching a computer ever again, hehe jk. I prefer cold days, drink tea & listen to music every day.

Things I’ve been involved with and contributed to in whatever capacity:

The contents of this website and blog reflect my very personal opinions only;


X: srijancse

Github: srijancse

Email: srijan@skiff.com

Farcaster: srijan.eth

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