
Posted on May 8, 2024

when i first stepped into the professional world during my uni days i had no clear direction. it’s been a decade of learning from exceptional people who not only became my friends but also mentors, pushing me forward with their best knowledge. they guided me with unwavering support, trust, time and money when i had very little to offer in return. their belief in me helped me get to wherever i am today, and for that i am eternally grateful.

although i’ve kept in touch with many, there’s one dear friend i lost before i could ever express my gratitude or love. he always said, ‘all you need is a computer, an internet connection, enough ambition and honesty, and you can reach for the stars.’ his words were a turning point for me.

now, i find myself in a place where i’m both financially stable and mentally prepared to contribute more to others. in his memory, i’m launching a fellowship starting this june to support 10 fellows over a period of 6 months. i hope to do this every six months.

each fellow will receive a monthly stipend of rs 50,000. this opportunity is open to those currently studying in high school or uni in india or who have dropped out, who are self-motivated and working on something they believe will change the world. i’m ready to share whatever little i know and open up my network to connect them with the right experts. absolutely no strings attached.

if this sounds like you or someone you know, please reach out by sending an email to tell me about your journey, who you’re, showcasing your proof of self motivation, and why you believe what you’re doing will change the world. let’s make a difference together.